Seven Four

Programming Language

Language Seven Four, is an arbitrarily named programming language,
designed to be easy to use and robust.
Intended to be a math language that's easier to access than standard greek.
It's a programming language for use by hand. (Although I might automate it with computer code someday... not yet)
It's intended to make math less indimidating and more welcoming to the creative mind.
  • 1st draft notes

    By clicking here you can download my first draft notes on the topic of my programming language.

  • 2nd draft notes

    By clicking here you can view the second draft notes on the topic of my programming language as a pdf or here for the original document, note, in this draft, I forgot to include a table entry for the goto command, so there will have to be a third barely altered 3rd draft. Progress is progress.

  • 3rd draft notes

    Okay I patched all the cracks in draft 2, now I percieve no flaws in it, and draft 4 will have to wait until others come along and point out all my flaws to me. You can see this semi-final version of the language here I also added nifty equations, and I fixed some of the older equations to make them more robust and user friendly. Now it's a machine that [seemingly] won't break.  If you break it, go to the courtyard and tell me about that though, let's make this language flawless together.

Post amble

Its name prepares for the future, by being easy to turn into a 3 letter file extension. 

.L74 is its hypothetical file extension type.

It would output in .txt and exists as .L74.

Right now it's intended as an aid to hand calculation.

As well as a tool for rudimentary exploration of noneuclidean grid spaces. In what I call "spiralled arrays" or "coiled points".

These serve as addressable spaces, and as fields of interaction and reaction.

The spiralled arrays enable nueral networks, and cellular automata.

However, when doing it by hand, you have to remember to run the length equation to determine how many points are in your array, and then list them on a seperate sheet of paper as: , , , , , ; a list of points.

The Iftouch operation on points in an array has an equation that must be run, too.

When an arrays size is reduced the larger indeces which no longer fit are erased, when it's expanded the new large indeces are set to the current null value.