"Meticulous" Art Gallery

Meticulous Arts

The difference between "Meticulous" and sloppy, here, isn't how something turns out, but how much effort is put into something 

Note: a lot of a my "Meticulous" art was done before I changed my name, so, a lot of it deadnames me.  My dead name is just my name, but a little backwards.  Ian, instead of Nia. If those names were written on a cylinder, they'd both be written on that cylinder. "anianianianiana" see? It contains nia and ian.

My deadname didn't reflect my personality, so I fixed it.

This is a fan rendering of Majora's Mask from the videogame Legend Of Zelda Majora's Mask; But it's also a class project from when I was a highschooler.  I remember my table mate laughed at me when I drew a big derpy smile inside a purple heart, but when I brought it back from over the weekend, that same person was like... "whoa....".  That made me feel good. 

Lesson: never judge unfinished art.

This is a drawing of a robot dinosaur I did in middle school after an argument about why I hate drawing robots, because they're so intricate.

This is a drawing of a golem dragon animated by the heart of a tree which used to be a dragon. It's defending the Earth from hostile drones. I drew it shortly after graduating from highschool, when I was hardcore struggling with depression.

A set of 3

Dragons of my world

This is a set of 3 which are supposed to take place in the same world as eachother.

I drew them when I was a middle schooler if I remember correctly:

I did this for a chalk art contest, if I remember correctly it's the distance equation done in a symbol set I made up on the spot.
Rune Dodeca
Below is an origami Dodecahedron I've caste 2 runes for each face of. I plan on using it to help me tell stories. I call it my "trope-ball", since it only has 12 types of outcome.  I roll it like a dye.